Elf on the Shelf Cookies! 7 Sweet Tutorials

Cookies for your Elf on the Shelf! 7 amazing tutorials for Elf Christmas cookies that will make your kids giggle with delight! Perfect for Christmas in the classroom, kids parties, or even leaving out for Santa on Christmas Eve! Another fun holiday post by Letters from Santa Blog :)

Elf on the Shelf Cookies! 7 Sweet Tutorials || Letters from Santa Blog 🙂

Elf on the Shelf Cookies! Yes – these amazing tutorials will amaze you! Impress your kids with your incredible baking skills! Or let your Elf on the Shelf into the kitchen for a little midnight magic!!

Our little Elf Bellae will take on a whole new level of responsibility this year upon her return from Santa’s house at the North Pol. She will be taking a spin around the kitchen whipping up some adorable Elf on the Shelf cookies to surprise the family with!

It took me a few years to convince Hubby Helper that the Elf on the Shelf would be a fun addition to our family; a magical delight like Santa, and not a creepy stalker-like maker-of-nightmares. But once I convinced him, he jumped in with both feet. Bellae came to join our family, and life has never been the same! Continue reading